Thursday, August 9, 2012



Appreciation is like fine needs time to mature and develop. Often a sense of appreciation can come and go like the rising and ebbing of the tides. Why is it so fickle? Why so seemingly dependent upon circumstances, or feelings?

Rather, appreciation should be like bedrock to our character. It should provide nourishment to our inner life, and point us in the direction of gratitude. Otherwise we run the risk of going through life, but missing out on the important aspects that make for a joyful life. 

One remedy for cultivating a sense of appreciation would be to closely observe small children and their heartfelt gestures of love. See with what joy they give of their crayon drawing, or their finger painting. Reflect on the importance of showing that you appreciate their small gift to you, and that this message ripples down through the generations in your family, connecting each one of you in an unrepeatable way.

Little by little, try to take minute vacations, where you stop what you are doing and listen to the birds, or study a rosebud. Get down to eye level with the earth, and contemplate the intricacies of an insect. Mainly just slow down, and take a few deep breaths, and begin to pay attention to the natural world. 

It won't be long before you will notice that you are seeing things with a renewed sense of vision, both interior and exterior. You will also notice that life takes on a different, more reverential perspective.
