Saturday, July 21, 2012

East vs West...

I am on the East Coast for a week, and I am enjoying all the differences that I have noticed between Virginia and California. I have been steeped in the natural world of cicadas, fireflys, and woodpeckers,and enveloped in a sweltering mix of humid heat combined with rain. The moisture-laden air is scented with rich earthy smells emanating from the sodden dirt, leaves,and bark of the woodland forest.I wake to see a cardinal on the patio, while in the forest, the loud chirping of jays mixes with the sounds of sparrows, robins and chickadees.
I have gotten my share of mosquito bites,and they are a tangible reminder that I am far from home in a geographic sense,but right at home in a spiritual sense.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ethics and Honesty...

Recently I came across information regarding a company called Ethics Point, which provides employees and students with a confidential and anonymous reporting system in order to foster a culture of honesty, ethical decision-making and educational integrity. Interestingly, the school district that is using this system needs more than a watchdog type of software.

Ethics, honesty and integrity are interior qualities that require development through making decisions that are ethical and honest. A software system can never instill these qualities into a person, or a school system. Without personal integrity on an individual level, no amount of lip service or technology will matter.

In my view, any organization that is relying on a system such as Ethics Point, in order to promote ethical behaviors, really needs to re-evaluate the employees currently working for the institution. If there are so many egregious lapses in ethical values and behavior among the faculty, then those should be grounds for termination. Adding another layer of bureaucracy to an already top heavy organization is not the solution to major internal problems...rather, it is just a band-aid, which will eventually fall off and reveal a deep and infected wound.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Been Thinking...

In the course of a day so many thoughts run through my brain, and many of them fall into the deeper realms, such as faith, morals,and living out one's beliefs on a daily basis in a concrete way. 

I would like to write about these deeper things as they evolve, or come to the surface of my thinking. Right now there is much media coverage of the HHS mandate, and the healthcare coverage proposed by the current administration.In the history of the U.S., the government has not created legislation that would cause persons of any faith to violate their religious beliefs...until now. These are uncharted and dangerous waters that we are treading. Religious freedom is being challenged in this land of freedom. It is time to stand up for our rights as documented in the Constitution. 

The erosion of liberties can be subtle, and it can seem as if this mandate will be the end of it. That would be unrealistic, however, given the backdrop of historical perspective. Once inroads are made, powers gain momentum like a steamroller. The time to voice concerns is now. The time to write to your representatives is now. The time to pray is now. We do not have the luxury of taking a wait and see attitude.During a time of crisis, a wait and see attitude allows the crisis to build into a devastating storm. Do not be fooled by the rhetoric. Do your own research. Don't believe everything you hear/read from the media. Check what you hear/read against the facts and reality.